Welcome to the Bounty Blog! Here you’ll find information about everything from sexing your medical marijuana plants to national legislation regarding cannabis.
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Before we get started, let’s define our objective. Cloning Cannabis: the act of taking a growing tip, cutting it, and creating an identical, self-sufficient replicate plant that has the exact same genetics as the mother. […]
The Right to Know. The Right to Grow. Let Us Out of the House It seems like D.C. marijuana users just can’t get a break. As we highlighted in a recent post, the Nation’s capital […]
The Right to Know. The Right to Grow. Sporting the Green The use of marijuana for medicinal purposes amongst professional athletes and the leagues they represent has received a lot of press in the last […]
Main-line (mān’līn’) v. main-line, main-lin-ing A term coined by Nugbuckets- an innovative grower whose observant nature led him to develop a technique that growers everywhere identify as Nugbuckets’ main-lining. This technique may have been around […]
The Right to Know. The Right to Grow. Maryland, Say Hello to Mary Jane In what is probably best described as altered states, yet another mid-Atlantic state is inching closer to decriminalizing marijuana. The Maryland […]
The Right to Know. The Right to Grow. Back to the Polls Can you smell that? It’s the scent of inevitability. And smoke. A recent Pew Research Survey determined that a whopping 75% of Americans […]
I remember sitting there debating for hours, “… Should I?” A monologue performed for an audience of dancing cannabis plants, moving to the restless beat of fans. I posted the picture up on Instagram anyway: […]
Welcome to our newest segment on the Bounty Blog, “This Week in Cannabis.” This weekly news round-up will help keep you up-to-date on all things related to the cannabis and medical marijuana industry. Think we […]
I first started conversing with @plant_n_prosper over instant messages, both of us trading knowledge and troubleshooting our gardens. Like some of the illest lyricists from the east coast, @plant_n_prosper always drops raw knowledge from his […]
Welcome back! Last time we talked about the soil food web and the relationship between microbes and plants, so now let’s focus on how to brew compost tea. When brewing compost tea for microbes it’s […]