This Week In Cannabis 4/25

The Right to Know. The Right to Grow.

Let Us Out of the House

It seems like D.C. marijuana users just can’t get a break. As we highlighted in a recent post, the Nation’s capital recently approved the decriminalization of marijuana by a large margin and are now awaiting the due process of it passing through the House.

Well, next month a Republican-led House subcommittee is set to examine the proposed law change, stating that the close association with federal law enforcement and the fact that the District utilizes the federal court system to prosecute crimes makes D.C.’s situation unique amongst those that have decriminalized successfully. Even though D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray signed bill last month, Congress has 60 days to disapprove it.

Green Highways

In a cross-border affair, Nebraska police officers are now suggesting that Colorado should start supplementing their pot-enforcement efforts on Cornhusker State roads. Tying the increase in pot trafficking to Colorado’s legalization of marijuana, they believe that their neighbor should compensate their traffic monitoring.

Opponents of the compensation request are calling out law enforcement officers for the increased profiling of vehicles with Colorado state license plates for seemingly marginal infractions, and the subsequent lengthy searches that take place.

Interestingly enough, this could have been avoided if Colorado Representative Amy Stephens’ “diversion prevention grant program” bill to send marijuana tax money to surrounding states had not been stonewalled by fellow lawmakers who were not keen on sending state funds out of state.

THC You Later

Arizona gets a win in pro-marijuana user legal proceedings. The Arizona Supreme Court recently rejected a 1990 state law, which classified trace amounts of THC metabolites present in urine or blood as grounds for a traffic safety violation.

Given that Arizona passed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (“AMMA”) in 2010, the legal eagles quite rightly pointed to the fact that those legally using marijuana for medical purposes ran the same risk of prosecution, like everyone else, regardless of how long the THC metabolite had been in their system.

Long story short, the court ruled “drivers cannot be convicted of the (A)(3) offense based merely on the presence of a non-impairing metabolite that may reflect the prior usage of marijuana.”

A Weed by Any Other Name

Marijuana is getting a facelift. As part of a rebranding exercise to dust off the last remnants of the outdated 1960’s perceptions regarding the substance, Studio360, a weekly public radio program, issued a redesign challenge last week to “explore cultural issues around the legalization of marijuana.” Gizmodo is now reporting that NY-based company Original Champions of Design accepted the challenge of redesigning marijuana’s image.

The first alternative term for “weed” offered is “cannabiotics.” It is also getting a new tidy and “sophisticated” logo, cookbook for home baking efforts, and emojis to share “cannabiotic culture” sentiments iconographically. This is bound to raise a lot of opinions from members of the current cannabis community. What’s yours? Comment below, let us know.

You can view the OCD’s design portfolio here.