Welcome to our newest segment on the Bounty Blog, “This Week in Cannabis.” This weekly news round-up will help keep you up-to-date on all things related to the cannabis and medical marijuana industry. Think we missed something? Of course we did! With so much information in the news, we’re bound to miss something. So help us out, let us know if we missed something important by commenting in the section below. Help contribute and keep the ProGrower Nation informed.
PTSD Closer to Getting the Go Ahead for Medical Marijuana Research
Veterans might be asked to step back into the front line—this time to help determine the efficacy of medical marijuana on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in a controlled University of Arizona study. Affecting an estimated 11-20% of recent veterans, marijuana to-date has not had any clinical trials to gauge its ability in treating PTSD symptoms. But the recent approval of Public Health Service and the 2011 okay by the Food and Drug Administration means that only the DEA has to give the go ahead for the 10-week study of different THC strengths and methods of application trial.
New Bitcoin Technology Could Legalize Medical Marijuana Tender
In its article, These ‘Bitcoins for Marijuana’ Try To Solve Legal Weed’s Big Heist Problemthe Huffington Post is reporting that two new forms of cryptocurrency, PotCoin and DopeCoin might change the way marijuana—legal and illegal—are purchased.Whereas PotCoin believes in transactional transparency and targets the medical or recreational state-legal marijuana market, DopeCoin is not concerned by the legalities of the drug trade and will be made available to anyone seeking to purchase legal or illegal narcotics. PotCoin could prove to be the salvation of legal medical marijuana growers and distributors by helping to sidestep the sticky issue of federal legalities, which prohibits banks from doing business with state-legal marijuana operations. This new payment option takes them out of harm’s way from both the IRS and potential robbers who prey on the cash-only dispensaries.
The Streets Were Paved with Weed
No, really. CBS New York is reporting that New Jersey Democratic Senator, Nicholas Scutari, is proposing a bill that would legalize recreational marijuana use and utilize 70% of that income tax to fix roads and bridges. When it comes to the difficult task of rustling up enough revenue to upgrade the roads in New Jersey, it seems it is any pot in a storm. Governor Christie is not a particularly large fan of the idea. He had a hard enough time loosening some of the ropes on what is probably the most restrictive medical marijuana program in the country. It might be a George Washington bridge too far for the struggling governor.Scutari has said he knows it will be a slow burn process and understands it will be a battle against his own team, but he is willing to bide his time stating, “He’s (Christie) not going to be governor forever.”The irony is that detractors of the proposed bill are calling marijuana a gateway drug, stating that it serves as inroads to harder drugs.
Stoners Can’t Cook (or drive, or function, or stay focused)
As part of a larger effort to educate the public about newly legalized cannabis, Colorado has opted to use humor to inform users about the ramifications of driving while high. However, what the campaign fails to address is the perpetuating stereotype that people who consume marijuana, whether medically or recreationally, are unable to perform simple daily, productive tasks. It also shuts the door on discussing the issue of tolerance in users. Yes, these videos are somewhat funny, but let’s not blindly accept the idea that every single user is unable to function after consuming. Instead, let’s employ some common sense, some individual responsibility, and some better measuring tools. You can check out CDOTs “Drive High, Get a DUI” campaign video here. And please remember to medicate responsibly!
D.C. Medical Marijuana Users Are Getting Lost in the Recreational Haze
We recently looked at Washington D.C.’s somewhat progressive vote to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, but the Washington Times reports that in its haste to get the measure through, the District is over looking its medical marijuana users. Although it has a medical marijuana program, D.C.’s conditions list is highly restrictive. Currently there are only four qualifying conditions and the program has only 200 patients approved to use marijuana for medical purposes. The District’s petitioning process for expanding the conditions was described as “burdensome,” requiring petitioners to provide numerous types of evidence—both conventional and alternative—as well as personal information from the petitioner and those who testify on behalf of the petitioner. Decriminalization and recreational use of marijuana is obviously making headway in the U.S., especially when our Nation’s capital begins to follow suit. However, in our haste to legalize recreational use of marijuana are we forgetting about expanding the rights of medical patients? Why do we rush to legalize recreational use when places like D.C. still have provisions that prevent patients from safe access to medicine? What are your thoughts? Comment below, let us know.
And finally, Colorado reports 2 million dollars in the first month sales for recreational marijuana. Here to help us report on the story is our favorite late-night newscaster, Stephen Colbert.