This Week in Cannabis 4/4

The Right to Know. The Right to Grow.

Back to the Polls

Can you smell that? It’s the scent of inevitability. And smoke. A recent Pew Research Survey determined that a whopping 75% of Americans are convinced that marijuana will eventually be granted legal status nationwide. And that includes both the sale and use of marijuana.

The poll also showed a softening of attitudes toward decriminalization, reflecting a 63% to 32% split for moving away from mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders.

Surprisingly, this telephone poll of 1,821 adults garnered this much support by including opponents to legalization as well as its fan club in the poll. However, the shifting attitudes from those even a year ago suggests that acceptance of marijuana legalization is a reality.

A Rich Vein of Support

There are millions of George Washingtons lending their weight to the argument that pot should be legalized in the U.S.

According to a Washington Times article, billionaire George Soros is spearheading “grass-roots” (phrase actually used in the article) initiatives with a little help from his friends (the late and self-professed user, Peter B. Lewis, to name one) and lot of support from their wallets. Those same wallets are squashing the competition, with opponents unable to match the financial clout of an estimated $80 million spent to date since the mid-90s.

The efforts and funding for the initiatives are channeled through various non-profits like the Drug Policy Alliance, ACLU and Marijuana Policy Project to influence local politics.

And this money is talking. On the list of states targeted for legalization? In 2012, it was Washington and Colorado. In 2014, Alaska, Oregon and Florida are on the hit list.

It is good to have high friends in powerful places.

Huff, Puff, Give Back The MMJ

One small toke for Valerie Okun could be one giant puff for medical marijuana users. In a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, it declined to review the rulings of the Superior Court in Yuma County and the Arizona Court of Appeals Division One.

Essentially, it means that the courts’ decision to have Okun’s confiscated marijuana returned to her—despite the repeated insistence by local authorities that it would violate federal law—will not be overturned. Despite local Yuma County Sheriff’s Office officials being undecided on the course of action to take, Okun’s medical marijuana could soon be on its way back to her.

This decision will hopefully go a long way in clearing the air and setting a precedent for other medical marijuana users protected by state law.

Top that!

Looking for a little more green on your pizza? A Vancouver B.C. pizzeria will put a little more on the top for you to the tune of $10 per pie.

Cancer-survivor owners, Rocky Tolfree and Mark Klokeid (who owns a medical marijuana dispensary) offers it ground up or drizzled on top in a THC-infused oil to diners over 18 with a cannabis card. No booze though, claims Klokeid stating, “Even recreationally, I think it’s (marijuana) a better alternative.”

That’s it for this week, be sure to let us know in the comments below if you think we missed something important.